
For my data story I chose the topic of environment. I wanted to analyze which states in the USA were most polluted, and study the corrolation between pollution and concern for the environment. In other words, are the most polluted states trying to improve? Spoiler — my results were not promising for the future.

I decided to take a closer look and compare which subregions in a state had higher concerns for the environment: rural or urban? Stereotypically, there's a "Big Smoke" that clouds over cities and factories, but I wanted to investigate whether that was true too. I hoped to uncover data that would explain why these regions of cities or farms cared about the environemnt, or why they didn't. 

Below, my first link is a list of the most polluted states in the US. It compares air pollution, asthma cases, and cancer diagnoses throughout the 50 states. My second link is about which is more environmentally responisble, urban living or rural living. It discusses the pros and cons of dense living, energy sources, and resulting sustainability. My last link is an expedia link to the 20 greenest cities of the nation, and why they are so environmentally friendly.
